Acid and Alkaline forming foods
Eating a larger quantity of foods that are acid forming than alkaline forming in our diets leads to many health problems. Our diet needs to be approximately 70% alkaline forming and 30% acid forming to maintain optimum health.It comes as a surprise to many people that foods such as lemons and grapefruits are highly alkaline forming in the body. All vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. For maximum resistance to disease and optimum health the diet needs to be slightly over-akaline. An acceptable pH level of the body is 7.36-7.4. The pH scale ranges from 0-14 and pH7 is neutral. The higher the number on the scale, the higher the alkalinity. This is a guide to alkaline forming and acid forming foods:Alkali forming – ranging from pH 7.25 to 9Lemon, pear, fresh figs, dates, spinach, parsnip asparagus,, oranges, fresh ginger, tomatoes, olives, apple cider vinegar, lettuce, apples, peppers, bananas, carrots, watercress, sweet potato, celery, garlic.Neutral foods – ranging from pH 6.75-7.25Cow’s and goat’s milk, butter, yogurt, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, almonds, vegetable oils, cottage cheese, rye bread, herbal and green tea, potato, quinoa, rhubarb, cherries, coconut, plums, mushroom, soya milkAcid-forming foods – less than pH 7Cheese, eggs, fish, wine, meats, white bread, pasta, flour, rice, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, sugar, carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners.These values are arrived at by burning the individual foods and then the ash is measured for pH values, replicating the values of foods metabolised by the body.This is not a complete list. For more information about health benefits and optimising the diet by re-balancing acid forming and alkaline-forming foods please contact me.